Monday, October 1, 2007

9/11 Conspiracy Theory

This article, by Kevin Barrett, discusses one of the many conspiracy theories involving the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. Barrett discusses and elaborates on a lecture given by a "prominent intellectual", Dr. David Ray Griffin. Both Barrett and Griffin discuss how it is a proven fact that the World Trade Center buildings were demolished by explosives planted by the United States government, as opposed to the Boeing 747's, which countless cameras recorded flying into the structures. Throughout the article Barrett makes absolutely rediculous claims along with quoting equally as rediculous claims made by Griffin. Both men have the same opinions that all possible evidence from the scene of the World Trade Centers leads to the fact that explosives took the buildings down. They attempt to back up these ignorant ideas with claims like those that follow. They claim that the core columns of the buildings were severed in identical thirty foot sections, which is suspicious because the trucks that were usued to haul them away from the scene were thrity feet long also. They also say that all of the fine dust that resulted from the concrete being pulverized, could only be explained by the power of explosives. They go on to make several other assumptions that they claim are "proven facts" throughout the article. Since September 11, I have heard many of these conspiracy theories involving the attacks, and every time I become completely astonished at the ignorance of people who believe in such things. It blows my mind to witness these individuals claim things, like this World Trade Center explosive theory, when what really happened is completely clear, and capable of being supported with countless bits of evidence. It is my personal opinion that such individuals as these should get a life, and stop blaming the largest attack ever on US soil on our own government.

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