Monday, October 15, 2007


This website that I found discusses a hoax involving "Kidney Harvesting." It warns of a newer crime trend in which the suspects usually target business travelers. This apparently occurs in most major cities nowadays. The targeted business man or women usually goes to a bar right after work or in the evening for a drink, when a complete stranger sits down next to them and offers to buy them a drink. That drink is usually the last thing these victims remember before waking up in a hotel room bathtub, submerged in ice. There is often a note next to them when they regain consciousness, instructing them to dial 911 on a cell phone that is left on a small table next to the tub. The victim obviously calls 911, when the operator (apparently many operators are familiar with this crime trend) instructs the person to feel their back to see if there are tubes protruding. The victims then affirms that there are two tubes, which means that both of there kidneys have been harvested by a sort of "organ theif." This is most likeley a hoax, as it is defined on the website. However, I witnessed a rise in popularity of this hoax in mainstream television. In the FX show, "Nip/Tuck", almost every episode in the most recent season involves a crime ring of kidney harvesters. So who knows? It would be sick to know that this is a true claim, let's hope it is an actual hoax.

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